
Hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles

These hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles are very easy to make but require a bit more time, depending on how many you want to make. You don’t need to cook.
You can serve them to your family and friends with your tea, as a healthier alternative to sugary biscuits and cakes, and much more original. When I do, they disappear very quickly!

Ingredients for the hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles

Recipe for delicious hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans

          Doses for 11/12 truffles

  • 4 spoons of ground coconut to make the truffles
  • 3 spoons of ground coconut to cover the truffles
  • 2 spoons of hemp protein powder
  • 2 teaspoon of cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon of dried mint leaves
  • 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds to make herbal tea
  • Hemp milk (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey or sugar (optional) if you like it sweet
  • Stevia powder for a low carb option (optional) 

How to prepare the hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles

Make your favourite herbal tea and let it cool down. I suggest fennel tea because it’s sweet. If you don’t have fennel, make another herbal tea or use hemp milk. You need to use about 120 ml (8 spoons) of liquid.

Mix 4 spoons of ground coconut and all other ingredients in a plate and eliminate all possible lumps.

Now add your herbal tea or hemp milk, little by little and make a soft but quite thick mix. It should not be liquid and not too dry.

Take roughly the amount of one teaspoon and roll it between your hands to make a nice little ball, about the size of a big olive.

Recipe for delicious hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans

In another bowl put two more spoons of ground coconut and roll the hemp truffle into it.

Try with one, if it's not too dry the coconut will stick to it, otherwise add a bit more liquid to the mix.

You should be able to make 10/12 truffles.

Recipe for delicious hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans

How to serve the hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles

Place the hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles on a serving plate or tray.

You can keep them in the fridge and eat them cold if you like them a bit crunchier. I prefer to eat them at room temperature because I feel I can savour them better.

They don’t last long, this is the last bite!

Recipe for delicious hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans
Recipe for delicious hemp, coconut and cocoa truffles with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans

Buy Hemp+15 to make this recipe

Hemp+15, hemp protein powder with beneficial herbs

Hemp+15 Protein Powder with 15 herbs. It contains 100% Natural Ingredients

BUY Hemp+15, our hemp protein powder with beneficial herbs

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